Marge Bruchac - Special Performance Programs in Character as
Molly Geet, the Indian Doctress
Since 1997, Marge Bruchac has been offering special living history performances in the character of "Molly Geet, the Indian Doctress." Dressed in early 19th century New England Native fashions, carrying ash splint baskets and herbal medicines, she portrays an intinerant healer, basket-seller, and storyteller. Her talks and performances are rooted in her research exploring Indigenous ethnobotany and the lives of Algonkian Indian healers Molly Ockett (Pequawket), Rhoda Rhoades (Mohican), Louis Watso (Abenaki), and others renowned for their knowledge and skill.
OSV Performances: Molly Geet has been a featured performer for special events at Old Sturbridge Village Museum for more than a decade! She has been featured during March weekends doing maple sugaring and winter fashions, and during Thanksgiving week offering Algonkian stories of giving thanks and herbal medicine walks.
2012 OSV Performance Dates:
• "Maple Days" featuring "Walk With the Indian Doctress" on March 3, 4, 10, 11.
• "Harvest Tales" on September 21, 28 and October 5, 12.
• "Giving Thanks" and "Talk With the Indian Doctress" on November 7, 22, 23, 24, 25.
Contact Old Sturbridge Village for more info.